how do I make a SVCD / VCD work in my Sony standalone DVD player?

Mmy Sony DVD player (standalone) doesn't recognise any form of CDr, whether used for Audio, VCD or SVCD. The manual for the DVD player states that it does play VCD / SVCD. I want to be able to convert DVD movies into SVCDs or VCDs. I thought it might be the brand of CDr I use, but I've tried 2 or 3 diferent types without success. Does anyone have any suggestions where I'm going wrong?
weimeraner said:
Mmy Sony DVD player (standalone) doesn't recognise any form of CDr, whether used for Audio, VCD or SVCD. The manual for the DVD player states that it does play VCD / SVCD. I want to be able to convert DVD movies into SVCDs or VCDs. I thought it might be the brand of CDr I use, but I've tried 2 or 3 diferent types without success. Does anyone have any suggestions where I'm going wrong?
A little detail, is your Sony capable of reading CD-R/CD-RW's. Which model are you specifically talking about? That way i can give you more info!! cheers

visit this site for compatability reports.


Some standalones only play cdrw or commercial vcds.

Welcome to the forum!:D
very nice site with a lot of info but when it comes to compatibility issue in terms of user observations; it's full of sh.t with false statements...


As JORIPE SAID .... SONY PLAYER isn´t able to read CDR ... but try CD- RW.... most SONY´s r able to read them ...

To Armagan1 -

My DVD player is a Sony DAV-S300. The manual states it can play 74 minute Video Cds, but it doesn't say whether CDrs or originals.

It will also play original audio CDs, but not copies on CDRs.



but Sony DVP NS 300 is able to play AUDIO CDRW / VIDEO CDRW / SUPERVIDEO CDRW ;)

weimeraner said:
To Armagan1 -

My DVD player is a Sony DAV-S300. The manual states it can play 74 minute Video Cds, but it doesn't say whether CDrs or originals.

It will also play original audio CDs, but not copies on CDRs.

Unfortunately, according to latest Sony product catalog specs DAV-S300 which is a pretty old DVD Home Theates System, it does not play CDR/CD-RW's my friend. The newer ones which are DAV-S500/700/800 and so on can play copy stuff without problems due to the fact that they're equipped with "twin laser pickup system" and "precision drive 2". These let the player play copied stuff.. wish you luck!!!

To Elpresidente DVP-NS300 does not play any copied stuff as well as DAV-S300. It's the WORST dvd player that Sony has ever made so far!!
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sorry mate... I´ve a Sony DVP NS 300 and it plays CDRW ! and my brother also has got one and a friend too ...they also play RW .... they play CD / CDRW / DVD-R /DVD-RW !



Doom9's MPEG Forum > VCD & SVCD > DVD2SVCD Advanced Topics > Tips for users if home DVD don't read SVCD...


To Armagan 1

Thanks for the advice - maybe I should've visited this forum before buying my DVD player!

I took Daveml's advice and followed the link to - it said my Sony DAV-S300 does not work with CDR, but DOES work with CDRW. I tried again with a CDRW. I found I can play VCD on CDRW, but not SVCD.

the website also said it should be able to play XVCD - what is an XVCD, and what software do I need to make one. Does it offer any advantages over normal VCD?

All my friends that have Sony DVD players as you have found initially will not play copied VCD's etc. But most play copied CDRW's and many also will play Princo branded CDR's even though they should not in theory. Suggest you give them a try.
elpresidente said:
sorry mate... I´ve a Sony DVP NS 300 and it plays CDRW ! and my brother also has got one and a friend too ...they also play RW .... they play CD / CDRW / DVD-R /DVD-RW !

Ok. elpresidente i'm the liar of my Sony catalogue archieves, but your real-life experience is much more concrete!!!
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no prob mate ;) u shouldn´t believe everything on vcdhelp ... cause not everything is alright in their database .. ...
everything depends on the CDR/W Brand ... as Chickenman said ..Princo can also be played (CD-R !! ) they also work on SAMSUNG DVD 909 (real dump) ;)

btw. the prob with all the standalone player stuff is ...that there isn´t only one Ns 300 ... there r many with different firmwares on board ... the newer ones got a little bit improved ;) (but still don´t read every brand ;) )

btw2. I know the manual of this sony standalone player...:p

For those of us who feed bad feelings on Sony players, there are two new products on European market, DVP-NS-305 & 405. I really recommend these two. They do everything...
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I have a dav-s300 it WILL play cd-r BUT only sirius brand and Vivastar brand---works with audio, vcd and svcd.

Hope this helps
Hi Dogznob,

what speed do you copy the svcd at as i can't get them to work on my S800? - do all svcd work if you use the types of cdr that you have mentioned?

I copied them at 8x disk to disk and they work ok.Sometimes get pixel drop-out so prob best to lower speed.They show up as vcd2 in my pc using Real Magic Hollywood 2. I'm assuming that vcd2 is svcd since some vcd's just show up as vcd.

I'm told Sirius are no more, but there is still stock around if you look hard enough. Vivastar are easy to come by. I just asked in my local retailer. They told me Vivastar play in anything.