how do i connect xbox to pc

can you help i am new to this networking stuff.
i have put a 10/100 lan card in the pc and connected it to the xbox with a rj45 crossover cable, the xbox says that it is linked (100/full duplex) set the ip on xbox to and gateway to
i also set the lan card to ip: and the subnet mask to
but cant get the pc to see the xbox, i only want to be able to back up the xbox hd and download some games to it not use the internet.
do i need to connect to the internet to do this???

ps iam using evolutionX 1.8 on a cd

can anyone help this thicko please

right got a bit further now, using flashfxp i can connect to xbox but it does not list any files in the top window and i get this message in the bottom window

Microsoft wsock32.dll, ver2.2, 32bit of Jun 7 2000, at 21:34:15.
Connecting to xbox ok
Connected to Port 21
220 Please enter your login name now.
USER anonymous
331 Password required for anonymous.
PASS (hidden)
230 User anonymous logged in , proceed.
215 UNIX Type: L8
REST 100
502 rest is not implemented.
This site may not allow file resuming
257 "/" is current directory
200 Type set to ASCII.
PORT 192,168,000,002,4,6
Connection Lost: xbox ok
If you are using Win XP then you must make sure that your PC's IP address is in the main IP config, not as an alternate IP address... I had this as well. If you're not using XP then give some more info.

right only other things i can add is that iam using windows ME
and xbox has an xtender v1.1 chip in it, not sure what else i can say.....