How do i burn a CD 700 mb to 90 min?

Run your burning application and enable """overburn"""...Today all appz can do it...Be sure your burner is supported..Go to Feurio homepage and check if your burner supports it!!All burners from 2000 and newer should be!!!
On an 80 min CDR 700mb should fit but if U need to burn to a 90 min CDR up to the 90 minutes then Overburn as above by zver
Burn in DAO mode for Overburn
You are not going to be able to overburn an 80min (700meg) CDR out to 90min. You can get 2-3 min extra at best. You really need a 90min CDR to fit 90min worth of data as your trying to do. Some of the 90min cdr's can be pushed out to 93min or so as well.
/Edit/ - Please dont copy & paste data from other forums. You and we dont have their permission to do so. And since its a warez forum, you cant link to it also. - ChickenMan

First,i think you just asked about overburn and now i see that you actually aswked specifacally about overburning to 90 minutes.....Cm answer is correct,and i still think that ,for example if you wanna burn 90 min disc you will need a 90 min cd..if your burner is ok and overburn,you could go up to 99.59.72,that much i got sofar--done with nero5.5......Also,i put copy-paste from other forum where guy claims a bit different things--so check out those tips!!!
is this disk a vcd/svcd /psx game disk !? then you need not overburn as these will fit to an 80 min cd 90min is more than enough for these disks :)
Sorry CM,i thought it was a good thread so thats why i posted--wasnt any warez or something like that--and couldnt put a link as you know..Wasnt on purpose really!!
i am not sure
i have read somthing about blindwrite that it can handle up to 100 minutes cds.

i hoope it helps.
:) I've managed to burn 843MBs of mpeg video to a 700MB disk with my Lite-On Burner using overburn with CD Mate. CD Mate is Free, try it. You will love it. :D ;)
Not all 80min CDR's can be overburnt by that much, also CDMate is not free, there maybe a free trial, but the program itself costs money.