How can u tell if a ps2 disk is dvd-r or cd-r format?

Hi i'm new here,well aparently there are 2 formats for ps2 games.
I am getting a new v9 model with Messiah 2 pro v 1.33b .
I read the post but i don't know how to tell what ps2 formats r my games cause i wanna backup them incase i crack them
can someone help me out here?

Thanks in Advance ;)


Another way to tell is games that are CD usually have a colour dye at the bottom. Now not all games have the dye, most do. DVD games are just shiny at the bottom. But the best way to check it is the way psx_paul mentioned. Just look at the CD or the case and it'll either have CD rom or DVD rom on the cover (of the CD) or the back (of the case). Check it out on your orignals.