How can i merge: mpv + mp2(audio) + subtitles(with .ini file)?


New member
Greetings to you out there,

i'm quite new in this very interessting infobase
and i got a question, i couldn't find an answer to
in the different threads. I hope you can help me,
as you probably know a lot more than me about
encoding and creating videos.

I got 3 files and want to merge them to one

- .mpv video file without sound (encoded with TMPGEnc)
- .mp2 audio file (i think encoded with BeeSweet)
- .ini subtitle file with 581 subtitles

Is there a simple method to combine all of this files :confused:

Thanx for your answers ! :p
Sublitles in *.INI format I have never seen so cant help there. But what do you want to do with the files, are they in DVD, SVCD or VCD format and what do you want to make with them when combined?


New member
ChickenMan said:
Sublitles in *.INI format I have never seen so cant help there. But what do you want to do with the files, are they in DVD, SVCD or VCD format and what do you want to make with them when combined?
I got these files from a friend who tried the DVD2VCD to rip a DVD
The prog finished and generated 2 .mpg files, which he cant
view (player stops after a view secs) - could it be an codec
He still got the (maybe) prefinished files (mpv, mp2 and the subs with timeindex) and wants to get them together (like i want to) to one film
(best would be avi..). I just started to read about some progs,
but i havent found one, where you can merge these files.
Im really new in this area, so i need some time to get into it...

thanks for any input :)
Just get your frient ot run DVD2SVCD again, in Misc tab, select Recover, load in the dvd2svcd project file.d2s file and start from bbMPEG Muxing and Cutting.

You need a player that can play SVCD (if thats what your making) as Windows Media Player out of the box wont play them.


New member

thanx CM,

i think this was really a starting question, as i learned a lot
more from some discussions, reading and trying, now.
My friend just deleted everything from the project -
hes not really wanting to try.
right player works, but without subs, but im on it now :)

area is getting morenmore interessting :D

xaio blueankh