How about programming Knowledge Base

Hi all,

Its good to hear that the forum is very clean with no Warez and Keygens!!

I have a suggestion of having this forum help many programmers with algorithms and implimentations.

It would be nice to have a section called "Programmers Section" or some thing similar.

This section also can branch into many languages starting from our good old C to C#.

What do you people think?? And hope the Moderators and Administrators doesn't have any Objection??

Rajenk :p


Staff member
The idea is good mate :)
But we need somebody in the team who has basic knowledge about this topic !
Surely I did some C and C++ coding in the past, and right now I am doing a lot of stuff in PHP, anyhow ...
We would need more and better people to help us ..

Anyhow, thanks for your suggestion !
We will think about it :)
N.B. said:

We would need more and better people to help us ..
We will think about it :)
Very true, this forum has always been about the very best of advice and if we dont have experts here to help well then we would be letting you guys down and thats not ever going to happen here bud :D
lotusfang said:
You got my vote. If you need some materials on C, C++, UNIX,... I should be able to help out...

- LotusFang
Thanks you the offer bro we see how tings run for now and keep you in mind.:cool:
ya agreed. Most importantly we need someone on the team who is real expert on these things. I myself have a deploma as Programmer Analyst (among other things) & learned to program in C, C++, VB, some java, some SQL, & a fiew other things, but I haven't kept up with it for a while now (2 years) & from some friends I know who still program, the new ".NET" programming stuff is way different from the past VS6 stuff.
Apart from needing people who know their stuff, they need to do it freely & need to put in time for it here.
**Now that the forum has gone LEGIT, we might be able to find some guys in that field willing to give their spare time to help out (which would be great), but hopefully in the meantime if enough people show interest in it, we can get some of them to start something.
Don't give up yet, but check back from time to time & ask how developement in this area is going.
Good enough N.B. boss sir? lol
What about a web Develoment section that has HTML, PHP, Asp, .NET, c++ ,Delphi ,Visual Basic and Java and what ever i have missed out. Give some people the abilty to build there own web sites


Absolutely excellent ideas guys! These are the kind of things we need to supplement our Forums' new direction. N.B. and Rasta have already chimed in here, so you know we will consider these great suggestions for a possible new section of the Forum.

Keep 'em comming guys. If you have any new "legit" ideas for the Forum, please by all means PM an Admin or start a thread for discussion! :cool: ?

The free version of PIXCL (4.48) -= has an application skeleton generator, and many dialogs including compound ones.

It could be a handy tool for frontending various command-line utilities....

Also has read/write capabilty for registry and ini files - the free version lacks a few things relative to the later one, but is a COMPLETE 4.48 version

I'm no expert, but I've tinkered - though not to the point of ever getting a useful app out of it!

There are MANY other free compiler / interpreter / script langauages available ... old versions, promo versions, open source freeware versions.
I am in...

Count on me N.B. I can provide my technical skills on programming with C , C++ and Windows Internals.

Looking forward for such a section.

The forum has been added!Hope some knowledgeable people will help out.Programming,even basics,is not my thing.We'll see how it goes!!;)