hmm cant post this in news !? RE:- BLUE YONDER UK USERS ......


note : users on BLUE YONDER

....."blue yonder has suspended its news group sevice untill further notice due to spam floods of inappropriate posts ! :confused:
:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:( :(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(

bummer lucky im not on blue yonder then hmmmmmmm :confused:

btw can someone shift this to NEWS as it will not allow me to post this in news !? i presume the news is for forum news only !?

can we have a general news that we can all post in please !? :D
thanks !

:eek: Relocated by RASTABT! ;)
Odd. I'm on BlueYonder and am having no such problem. I have seen this before, but still am having no probs.
looking in the financial papers recently, dont be suprised if NTL go belly up.
Massive debts and tiny share price doesnt bode well!
@ phil k this was posted originally

05-30-2002 its a pretty old post ya no bud !!!! lol

@ dave read that too bud not looking good is it hmmmm?!?
Sorry folks your not at fault if you tink you saw dis else where in de forum. It's mi just hit de wrong key wife wanted a bit at de time..heehee;)
No not dat Money $$$
Please 4give mi ;)