High Quality and Very Easy Quide

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High Quality and Very Easy Quide!

For those who wants to convert "Fast" in 2 steps a DVD to (S) VCD having "High Quality"!

Main Concept v1.3

CladDVD XP v1.3
Clad DVD

Guide Nr2
Rip the DVD with CladDVD XP
Select the Audio stream you want and the Destination folder. Then Rip the DVD.
Open Main Concept and add the Video file (the vob file). Then add the same vob file in Audio source (on "Files of type" you have to select "All Files" to be able to add the vob file) then select Output file and Output Format and click Convert!

Guide with Screenshots
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lol, here we go ;)

well it seems nice and easy enough, but how do you set how many cds you would like the dvd over? i prefer smartripper to claddvd too :)

it would be nice if you explained things in your guides and do a proper step by step process too. Then we can see what is going on before we think about trying it.

does this do automatic cutting and subtitles too?

maybe your guide is a bit too easy or you only like backing up 30 minute silent cartoons ;)
Now about subtitles,
I am not so far yet; the whole guide is based on the fact that Main Concept mpeg encoder is a fast and high quality encoder and accepts vob files as input.
So the progress is easy, just rip and convert!
Main Concept accepts Avysynth and frame serving too, that is the way to add subtitles, but then the progress will be not in 2 steps!
Hmmmm, I have the feeling that you never looked the guide.
It is not just screenshots. Besides, what can I write more about RIP the dvd and ADD the vob files in main concept?
whatever man, go and sell it on the internet and make a fortune.

i think i'm the only one stupid enough to have got sucked into this debacle again.
Are you ok man?
I mean, do you have a psychological wound? or are you under narcotic effects?
What have these shits to do with my guide?
look, i'll be frank. i think your guides are abysmal. they lack any detail or clarity or any explanation of what's going on or why you do what you do or what to really acheive.

i am sure most people who are familar with the process of converting dvd to svcd will have little trouble in following the screen shoots and I could too, but think about the person who is really new to this and has no familarity with the tools or the process. It explains very little.

When i started out doing divx and svcd it was a confusing time at the very start as there were a million tools and different reasons.

Anyone who can follow what you've done is probably experienced enough to have their own method of conversion to their own satisfaction. Anyone who hasn't got a clue where to start would probably find your guide very lacking.

I tried to be encouraging at the start but you don't take criticism or advice very well for someone who wants to "help".
You wrote: “I tried to be encouraging at the start but you don't take criticism or advice very well for someone who wants to "help".
You tried mockingly and you didn’t make a criticism or advice and you are not “who wants to help”. But I answered you anyway!
Also you wrote: “Anyone who can follow what you've done is probably experienced enough to have their own method of conversion to their own satisfaction. Anyone who hasn't got a clue where to start would probably find your guide very lacking.”
In which category are you? Are you experienced enough to write your guide or to point me a guide like this? Or are you one from them who find my guide very lacking?
I wrote: Any comments are welcome! That means any comments about the guide, if it works or if you want to add something and not “go and sell it on the internet and make a fortune”
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Also MurderOne you should remember this:
Even if the tread close or I’ll go or I be banned I left behind me 2 guides (right or wrong it doesn’t matter).
What have you done?
The suggestion is for both of you guys to ignore each other.Use the ignore user button.You have been warned.
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