Hidden Settings

If i was not not botherd how long i was to wait for a movie to compress, what would be the best settings to use.

This is just for quality , like i said im not botherd how long it takes.

TheMadGuy, give me some tips.
I dont want to mess around with the hidden settings too much unless i know what im doing. (been using recomended settings).
spider said:
If i was not not botherd how long i was to wait for a movie to compress, what would be the best settings to use.

This is just for quality , like i said im not botherd how long it takes.

TheMadGuy, give me some tips.
I dont want to mess around with the hidden settings too much unless i know what im doing. (been using recomended settings).
You can play as much with the settings as you like!
Cause you can get back to recommended / default settings any time, thats what those buttons are for :D

Basicly to achive best quality
  • analyze more movie content
  • keep compression over 70% (if necessary rather take out content (audio / subs / extras)
  • Maybe make 2 disc of one e.g. with DTS titles, make one with only Dolby and one with only DTS (depends on content of your Title)
  • Avoid fast mode in IC8
  • Play with the dest size to use as much space as possible (no general values here, you need to play with it for each title you process

Just a quick question......

Encoded a movie, got it to 88% compression, burnt movie, movie did not fill the disc !!
I,d say there was 50/90 meg left ??!!
The movie is fine, but why did'nt IC give me less compression ?
Just to be sure i tried it with shrink, which also gave me 88% (didnt burn it tho)