Hi there. Anyone home?


New member
Hello all. The section says "introduce yourself here," but i don't see any past introductions. Kinda curious if this is still an active community. My DVD activities are limited to typical "backup" tasks, i.e., I've never had an interest in the whole encoding/re-encoding business -- too much work for me. That said, I'm always willing to pick up a new tip here and there, and offer a hand when I can.
Bit of a sleeping giant, must start borrowing some ideas from elsewhere, like having some dedicated newsposters.

There is/was/might be a portal, though it hasn't yet progressed beyond a test framework from ages ago.
hey hello and welcome to the forum bitfreedom :)

yeah its bean quiet ... will get onto N.B. about the PORTAL

we just need to get it organised so it can be posted on :)


New member
Thanks for the replies. Sorry 'bout my bad manners, saying hello and then disappearing. Will try to pop in once in a while.