Hi - Problems with Ripping


New member
Hi everyone.
I'm a total Noob to DVD writers, so please bear with me.
Right, I bought a writer and installed it OK, also installed DVD Shrink, WinDVD creator AND Anydvd (By advice of a collegue.)
I ripped a DVD ok, burnt it to disc and it works fine, no problems.
I then tried another disc and it would crash, saying that it couldn't read the disc.
I tried the original disc again, the one that worked 1st time, and that crashed too.

So I tried it all on another machine, same drive, software, etc, and EXACTLY the same thing happened again, it would rip and burn the first DVD no problem, but the other DVD's it would fail when it tries to rip them, at exactly the same point for various films, ie, 71% for film 1, 23% for film 2. Try again with these same discs and it will fail at the same percentage for each film as befrehand.

I am pulling my hair out over this and thinking of giving up as a bad idea. Can anyone help?

Many thanks,

Welcome to the Forum :D

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And please use the search button http://www.dvdrbase.com/search.php?

Your problem may have cropped up before.

Finally a tip re viewing the Forums

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have a look Here

& in the Tutorial_Section

any problems get back to us BUT more details needed eg what burner ? what media ?
what software ? etc

Best way to start is with http://www.dvdrbase.com/showthread.php?t=31155
which is afree way to do it.


New member
REally sorry about that!

Just posted a thread in the new member forum.

Will look at the tutorials tonight when I get home too.

Sorry again,

Epic_uk said:
I ripped a DVD ok, burnt it to disc and it works fine, no problems.
I then tried another disc and it would crash, saying that it couldn't read the disc.
I tried the original disc again, the one that worked 1st time, and that crashed too.
maybe the drive was too hot after the first ripping/burning process; care for case space or cooling; shut down your machine and after an hour try to rip again;

Greetings from