Hi from Talus


New member
Hi everyone!

I love new forums! (New to me at least!)
I found this place due to MackemX's DVDStripper. I have been following the production of this software over on Doom9.

This place is fantastic! Many hours to explore all of the new topics!
Right now I'm interested in DVD copying/backing-up. I pretty much buy all DVD software and transcoders that come out on the market to play around with them. I will also buy DVDStripper, but will wait until they do a few more upgrades first.

Just wanted to stop in and say hello!

(The name- Talus is a hint to the medical field I practice; 2112 is my favorite album from the band Rush!)


Hi mate and welcome to our friendly forum! :)

Wow you just brough back some old memories for me there, I remembered the day I bought the album "2112" back in the late 70's it must of been. :D Great band Rush. Though I'm more into Tom Waits these days - guess I'm just a "Gin soaked boy" lol :D
Welcome to our forum, Talus2112! :cool:

@ Laz: "2112 is my favorite album from the band Rush!" it seems you aren't the only pensioner here anymore; :p :D

Greetings from
welcome to the forums, they are the friendliest that I know of :)

nice to see you are keeping an eye on the Stripper also ;)