help with this win xp error please

i am using win xp on a home pc

i keep getting this error listed when i check the system error log and i have no idea what it means :( :-

Access denied attempting to launch a DCOM Server using DefaultLaunchPermssion. The server is:


The user is Unavailable/Unavailable, SID=Unavailable.

For more information, see Help and Support Center at

ms help centre (link above) says this:-

DetailsProduct:Windows Operating SystemID:10003Source:DCOMVersion:5.0Component:System Event LogSymbolic Name:EVENT_RPCSS_DEFAULT_LAUNCH_ACCESS_DENIEDMessage:Access denied attempting to launch a DCOM Server using DefaultLaunchPermssion. The server is:


The user is %2/%3, SID=%4. ExplanationThe server process was started, but the server is not responding. A critical .dll or data file might be missing.

User ActionShut down the server from Task Manager, and then try again. Check that the application was installed properly and that the .dll files are present.

Are you logging in as Administrator or do you have other users setup?

If so, please run DCOMCNFG from Start then Run and set your permissions correctly.