Help with System Mechanic

I have just installed System Mechanic and have found it to be very useful, especially the permanent removal of items listed in the control panel which don't get removed after uninstall. My question is regarding the FIND AND CLEAN JUNK AND OBSOLETE FILES. I ran this option and it found lots of files with the extension .gid - does anyone know if these are safe to remove? Also, it found a lot of .tmp files in the directory: C:\WINNT\INTERNET LOGS\ - are these safe to remove also? And finally a Dr Watson USER.DMP in my C:\Documents and Settings folder. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
Hi, vcd_pat:)

Yes, you can remove all .gid files, these files are made by Help files and they are hidden by default. Every time you open Help in any program it opens his .gid file. 100% safe to delete!!!

Also, you can remove any .tmp files from your HD!

Now I'm gonna find document made by PC expert named "Safe To Delete" and I'll attach it here for you & all other members;)

Thanks for all your help Jasmin and Pokopiko. There are still a couple of files I'm unsure of... mainly c:\winnt\system32\config.tmp and c:\winnt\system32\asycfilt.dll.tmp - any ideas?

Look, I think you can use Wash & Go from:


Very safe & usefull program, believe me! If you need you can PM me about details.