Help with PS2 mod

Inside a ps2 ive noticed that some of the parts
were i have to solder wires to are of a
copper colour and are very had to solder too.

Is there away to remove the copper colour or
an easier way of soldering the wire to the parts.

Anyone who ever has chipped a ps2 before should
know were im talking about so please help.

There are not too many modchippers on this board, so you may not get many replies to your question. Your best bet would be to read up on some of the info on console modding over at PS2Newz :)


New member
You need a fibre glass pen to remove some of the copper covering so that you can successfully solder to the contact. You should also get a flux pen at the same time to make sure that your joints stick.

You should be able to get them from somewhere like Maplin, but Whitedog ( do them if you're struggling.

BTW, good luck with the chipping...I did loads of PSXs and PSOnes for my mates, but I gave up doing my PS2 and had it done professionally because it was just so bloody small!