Help with Card Reader

White Herb

New member
I have just bought a new PC Line Card Reader for a Kodak SD card. I installed the driver as it said. When I put the card in the reader, I went to my computer, then clicked on removable disc. It said the disc is not formatted do you want to format, when I pressed no it didn't work, when I said yes it came up with disc cannot be formatted!!

Can anyone help me???
In general, you should NOT format camera cards in a PC reader, as this can be incompatible with the camera format.

Most multipurpose readers usually present as 3 drives, each serving 1 or more types of media (do not load more than one slot).

Did you check all the drive letters?
Is there any LED to confirm correct media insertion - some slots are reversed, or take different media in different sides, and the manual is usually a very bad translation.

Just looked at PCWORLD site - no pictures, for PC-LINE readers, but many are single media only - which model is it?

Does it say the same if no media is inserted?
Does the media work in other applications (I assume you got it for a Kodak camera?)

White Herb

New member
Many thanks for the reply.

I did format the card when it was in the camera first??

The LED light comes on when you first put the media in then goes off.

Model code is USB 1.1 Card reader, for use with SecureDigital and Multimedia cards. Also numbers on there PCL-CR400 & 818835.

Yes it is Kodak. If there is no media in there it says please insert disc and doesn't work in other applications!!

Cheers again.
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So it's a 1-slot reader, the only possible insertion error being wrong way up or not far enough - but it seems that it is detecting something, and not just reacting as if it's empty.

What operating system? USB support in 98 first edition was rather poor, but anything from 98SE onward should not be a problem.

Clutching at straws now, I'd say try another USB port - if you're using a case front USB, try moving it to a rear plate port.

Have you actually taken any pictures to it? - is it 100% working in the camera?
I'm beginning to suspect that there may be a hardware fault.

Is the camera download working?

PS. My own setup is a Kodak DX3700 with Easyshare base, with a Crucial 64Mb MMC in the camera, and a Kodak 32Mb MMC spare (I got the extra card, after I ran low one day, and had to pop the 32Mb card when full, to use the 8Mb in the camera)


New member
I am also having trouble with that reader reading my card

I have also got the same PC Line SD/MMC reader and I am having problems when I insert the card into the USB port. As soon as the card is inserted, auto play immediatly comes up, then goes off, then back up again, then off again. This repeats continually but when I open My Computer and click on the removable drive I have the message come up asking if I want to format the card.

The SD card is from out of the new Nokia 6600 and the card has got pictures, video clips, applications and rintones on it but to start off with the card worked great. It has only been over the last couple of days that i have been having these problems since I installed Tiscali Broadband and i had a system crash. I had to format the hard drive using the NTFS file system and install windows XP Pro from scratch. Anyhow, I started the computer hoping and praying that the reader would work but to my dismay I am still having the same problems.

It seems very weired to me that to start off with it works but after a week or so it doesn't. I have tried the card reader on the USB ports at the back but it is exactly the same. My son has the exact same phone and SD card and he also has the same problem. He takes the SD/MMC reader to his nans and strangly enough he can do whatever he wants with it on her PC, no problems at all.

I have now come to the conclusion that there must be a driver error somewhere, not with the USB drivers but with the SD/MMC reader card drivers, I say this cause the Tiscali broadband is connected into the USB port and that works fine. I tried the reader before I reinstalled Tiscali but it still would not work so it cant be that. I have performed a search on the internet for any help with this reader but there is non at all and no updated drivers to install for it.

If you have any ideas then please let me know or if you have solved your problem then please let me know how you went about it.

format the card in the camera :)

in win 98 you need to add removable drive drivers if i can remember correctly for it to function and act like a removable drive :)

just goto add new hardware and add a removable drive from the list when you add your card reader after this it should be recognised as a removable drive :)

in xp its not a problem its automatic :)

as above USB support in 98 sucks badly :(


New member
Are you using NTFS?????

I reackon the problem could be that if you are using NTFS and your card is formatted in Fat or Fat32 then the computer will not recognise what is on the card cause the two can't mix. To find out if your computer is formatted in NTFS, just open My Computer and right click on C drive and look under the General tab to see.

If you are formatted in NTFS then is very likly that the camera, phone or device is formated in fat. It is a no win situation, format the card using your device then the PC won't recognise it but if you format the card using the PC then the device will not recognise the card.

I am having the same problem and I will let you know if I solve this problem.
lol that works fine here i have ntfs hard disk's and my card reader has always worked

dont even know if you can format the cards any other way not looked in to it tbh