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Here is the statement that Steven Bink recieved from a law firm representing Mico$oft.

Monday I received a FAX from a Dutch law firm here in Amsterdam representing Microsoft Redmond, USA. Microsoft wants me to handover the domain before December 19th!

Please go to and sign the petition. Hopefully this wonderful site will keep its name and provide useful info for many more years to come.

If you dont want to go to the site but just want to sign the petition, then go here
Actually N.B. ,our webmaster had a similar notice,and just ignored it..Nothing came of it.Hopefully it will be okay.

I am willing to sign the petition,very nice site there!
If he registered it its his.
If they want it they can pay for it. ............Like everyone else. ;)
If they take action, then any good up and coming lawyer would love this case. :D
Bink who has to handover the Ghisler who had to change the name of his well known Windows Commander,all because of M$......what's next?Do whe have to invent another name for the windows of our house,or get sued ?......:mad:

Gonna sign the petition .....:D
darn satellite is out again lol its only raining arrrg. anyways IMO its a lost cause microright has the means + resource to take anything down. they might say he's missleading or infringing on microright name.
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Let them sue first. Then u dont pay if u lose!
At least , with a good lawyer u can make it drag out a few years.

@chickenhq.........great link on your sig. Post it in the jokes section........:D