help plz

:confused: ive just bought a dvd burner and i got a copy of nero and ive ripped a dvd movie and when ive tried to burn it on a dvd-r disc it wont work,,,when i look a settins it says a i need some thing called vision???? is there any other program i could use to burn on to dvd-r disc's after ripping??

plz could anyone help im new to all this lol


can u tell me how or what programs to try i know i sound dull which i am but ive had this for a while and can only burn vcds...
how can i take off the macrovision?? i was told to play the start of the film and stop it then rip it with dvdx is this true.... and can u tell me what program is the best to burn on dvd-r's cheers

and thanks for the info very much;)
Rip using Smartripper, it will remove macrovision for you.
Do a search for tutorials on this forum and download Elpresidente's guides they tell you everything you need to know.All the programs you need, and settings to use.

Good luck
