Help please - DVD burning problems


New member
Hi. I am after some help please.
Have just bought and installed an NEC DVD burner, with Nero 6 (the latest version). If I try to burn a movie from a file on my hd using Nero Express 3 (in different formats xvid, windows movie file) Nero burns to the disc ok (and plays in the dvd burner), but the disc is not recognised in my dvd rom drive or my stand alone dvd player.

Have I just missed something simple? or is there a bit more to burning dvds?

Windows xp sp2, Nero 6, NEC dvd burner.

Thanks for any help :(
could be media incompatibility;
Or did you burn a non-standard Video-DVD e.g. un-finalized / not closed?

Greetings from


New member
Thanks Duracell
Have now burnt six dvd-r coasters. Burns vcd no problem. Does Nero have its own code or something, as I say, they work fine in the drive I burnt them on. and they play using Real player, Nero showtime etc., but not in my dvd rom drive or seperate dvd player. Both the other players just say no disc or please insert disc - as in don't even recognise the burnt disc.


New member
Thanks roadworker, I have just had a look at the files on the discs and they are now in VIDEO_TS and VTS files. Does this mean anything? No sign of my avi or xvid files.

Do you have any ideas?
Should I stick with Nero - and I thought it was just going to be simple!
If your DVD drive & player are older they might not recognize one or several of the types of writable DVDs: +R, -R, +RW, or -RW. Which type of disc are you using? How old are your drive & standalone?

When the burner writes to one of these discs it burns to the disc information for book-field-type that other drives can read which identifies which type of disc it is. Some DVD burners have an option to set the book-type to DVD-ROM which is how comercially pressed discs are identified and this may allow some older drives to recognize a writable type of DVD that they wouldn't otherwise. This bitsetting may be an option with your NEC - which model do you have?

You can check what the book-type of the discs you've burned are set to with the free version of DVDINFOPro downloaded from here.
phil1193 said:
... they work fine in the drive I burnt them on. ... but not in my dvd rom drive or seperate dvd player.
thats why i think they are an incompatible type or incompatible brand;
tried Nero Express today and there is no option for leaving a Video-DVD un-finalized / not closed, so this cannot be your problem;

have a look at your standalone player fabricator's homepage for compatible media recommendations;

phil1193 said:
Thanks roadworker, I have just had a look at the files on the discs and they are now in VIDEO_TS and VTS files. Does this mean anything?
this means you use Nero to convert your videos to DVD standard; Nero isn't the best encoder (quality wise), but should suffer for beginners;
here you can find a semi-professional way:


New member
Thanks guys for your time.
Tried DVDINFOpro to check for book settings. Changed them to dvd-rom and maybe got to eager (hopeful) and burnt another that didn't work on the other drives. I have an NEC 3520A dvd burner, an AOpen dvd1648 (18 months old) and a standalone dvd player approx two years old (Ronin 215) - it does play older dvd-r types. I am using Hyundai 8xdvd-r discs. So these just maybe incompatible with my two other players then? I burnt them at 2x speed or does that make no difference?
Thanks again.
Any ideas greatly appreciated.
Looks like it could be that Hyundai 8xdvd-r is poor media according to a few reports at

Reports there of what's worked for other owners of the Ronin 215 might help you chose what other media brand to try. There're also reports for the 215F.

Ronin Media Works doesn't seem to offer campatability lists for their players.


New member
Thanks again for your time guys.
I think I will try some other media, hopefully that will cure it.
Will post the result, in case anyone else has the same problem.


New member
Update as to my problem, hopefully will help someone else.
Different media cured the problem. I bought some Ridisc 8xdvd-r, burnt to these and dvd-rom drive and stand alone player recognized them no problem. Chose these particular discs after checking them out at at "cobo's" suggestion.
Again thanks all concerened for your help.
just make sure what they REALLY are with DVDR identifier because sometimes the name on the disk MEANS NOTHING :mad: i tried Ridisc was told they were ritek dye and they turned out to be CMC... a pretty lame and crappy media :(
VIPER_1069 said:
CMC... a pretty lame and crappy media :(
Ritek G04 4x were the best but not to sure about G05 8x , my xbox does not like them at all , but with the 8x CMC disks no problems on xbox or any other DVD Player (standalone or pc).

The best & most compatable 8x disk i have ever tried is the Fuji dye :D but hard to get hold of them in uk .
Datawrite did them but switched to crappy prodisc :mad: