Help Needed

i would like to know which is the best of the newer consoles out there at the moment .... which can be chipped and where i can get more information about these machines. I hope someone can help a confused parent......
thats a hard one and VERY subjective

from my personal opinion (which will be strongly dissagreed with i hope)

gamecube - best current console, a smallish library of superbly playable games and a few of the usual multi fort dross titles that blight most systems (although several have (like the xbox versions) a few graphical enhancements over the ps2 versions, but backups are not GENERALY around YET ;)

xbox - dead easy to chip, realy requires you to have a dvdr drive for your backups, sadly absolutly nothing commercial worth getting, the games are all of a poor standard (although a few are very pretty i'd hate to think of the last time my kids played anything on the xbox, although there is a lively homebrew scene.

ps2 - expensive to chip (for games buy a messiah or clone), a vast library of mediocre games and some truely great games, most cd based games can be backed up and played directly as can dvd games if you have a dvdr, a large number of high quality dvd rips can be found on the internet allowing you to play many of you dvd based originals from a nice cheap cdr backup

i'm sure that will only confuse you further, but the best bet is (assuming you can afford) buy a gamecube for its excellent games then buy one of the others (chipped) to collect the dross (xbox has more potential than ps2 but ps2 has better games at the moment)

@ ABCMAN not forgetting the HUGE original playstation and psone back catalogue that also play on a ps2 and if chipped plays those games for the chipped flavour of playstation and psone :)

cube has backups floatin around as you said not generally avail hard to aquire even on the net but i seen crazy taxi and sonic in jap flavours unfortuanatly on a now dead FXP i was using for psx bits, either that or the passwords been changed bah !! so they ARE possible so no doubt they will hit here soon with a handy soldering iron or plug in addon near you lol ;) why else are puter stores stocking 3 inch disks lol ? ;)
true, i do my best to forget the psx/psone ;) with its huge library of shovelware and few decent games (a sony pattern here?)

That said how sad is it that i've spent 6 hours scouring ftp's to track down a ps2 conversion of a mega cd game :( called switch, its one of the most bizarre games i have ever played so i REALY want that game, i finaly tracked it down to an ftp that i'm banned from :( (aint that always the case) so a proxy and i'm in but its slow as hell and i'm not going to get it untill tomorrow morning i dont think, still i found a few other bits on my search so i'm grabing them as a consolation for the time being :D

I must admit, i've never come across either of the 2 gc iso's you mention but i did see a load of u.s. ones the other week on a pre server.

oh and i dont think you need a chip or an add on, its a disc ;) (i think). and as you well know all those little dvd-r discs are starting to appear in computer shops because a couple of new digital cameras are now using them for storage ;) (honestly:D)
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i would opt for the ps2,playstation or psone,there easy and cheap to chip (£10 for playstation and psone and £30 with an action replay for ps2), there is a huge amount of games for the sonys compared to the otheres and although they may lack a little in grafical quality they more than make up (in my opinion) in playablility.
The backup games are also cheap at £5 a go so you will soon have a huge amount of games to choose from.

fyi: im not a console person i dont own any consoles this is all from my experience from chipping them and people coming back to me with feedback :)