help needed: Why is my Burner so Slow?


New member
I recently bought an LG Super Multi DVD Drive. When I go to Burn a 4.7 GB DVD it takes over an hour. I am doing this at 4X speed. Is this not Long?

I know some of my friends are able to do it in 20 mins. I have used different media.

I am using DVD Shrink with Nero 6. My OS is Win XP, pentium processor, 512 RAM, 40 GB Hard Drive. I have also used DVDXcopy and it still takes too long. I havent clicked Deep Analysis.

I disabled the Anti-Virus software but it is still slow.

Any Suggestions please?

Is there something about Nero 6 having problems with XP?
"Over an hour" means 1X speed, not 4X- so I guess it does not like the media you're feeding it, or you have not enabled DMA for the drive (second one is the most likely scenario).
Gnasher said:
I am using DVD Shrink with Nero 6. My OS is Win XP, pentium processor, 512 RAM, 40 GB Hard Drive. I have also used DVDXcopy and it still takes too long. I havent clicked Deep Analysis.
i'm assuming from this quote that you're including the transcoding/compression time in your assumption of what the burning time is, which would be incorrect. if this is true, then the actual burning of a dvd at 4x takes 15 minutes, but you also have to add in the time taken to transcode the dvd, which would add additional time.