help needed please!


New member
hi every one;
i'm new to this forum ,and it seems to me that there's alot of good memebers ,
that can lend a helping hand.
now back to the problem! I have an NEC 1300A+- DVD writer that came with NERO OEM software ,after the updating of this software now i have the smart start utility that theoraticly should allow me to burn dvd's and SCVD'
but instaed i get a message that tells me that i still need to purchace some more plugin's :mad: in order to be able to burn the DVD's or the SVCD'S!
the only type that i'm able to burn at the moment is VCD :( .
could any one help me in finding altenative free ware that can do the same job please? :) .
PS: ihave tried some of googles findings but all seem to be more basic then the NERO stuff that i have,
your feed back would be great :D
Hi bob_snz, Welcome to our forum! :)

bob_snz said:
i get a message that tells me that i still need to purchace some more plugin's :mad: in order to be able to burn the DVD's or the SVCD'S!
the only type that i'm able to burn at the moment is VCD :( .
you are right, if you like to encode videos to DVD and SVCD or if you like to recode to backup existing DVDs you have to pay;

could any one help me in finding altenative free ware that can do the same job please? :) .
not simply "the same" it does a better job:

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Greetings from
You can burn just about anything with Nero, including VCD, SVCD and DVDR's but to use it to convert files to SVCD or DVD you need the plugins. Thats actually a good thing as the quality of its conversions are not good. Read the Tutorial section for free and better quality alternatives.