help!!!my computer is making loud noises

my computer lately is making loud noises, not clicking noise, but noise like the car 's engine makes when you put your foot on the acceleration; it freaks me out!! i cant tell whether it's the cpu , the fan, or the hd making that n i have never opened a computer case before in my life.

some people say it might be the fan going bad; what kind of software out there that will sense the computer's temperature and tell u it's too hot? i tried cpucool but i cant get it to work for some reason. :( btw, i m on windows 2000 pro in case it matters.

edit: my bad, i was panicking so i asked question before i searched; i found the crack for hardware sensor monitor from proton242, so thank u !!
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it doesnt make like farting noise, just regular humming noise like one of those window airconditioners u know; i could only open the top lid (it's a sony vaio desktop) n look down; i couldnt tell where its coming from but it doesnt seem to be coming from the hard drive ; there's a lot of dust in there tho ; how do u clean out the dust? please keep in mind this is very new n thus unnerving territory for me (as i dont want to get shocked or kill my computer) so please be sensitive to that even if the questoins seem real simple to you.

You can use dustcleaner & fine paintbrush for cleanin'. Of course, shut down your PC before:) I do this job every few months.

Better wait for poko's answer, he'll tell you the right thing, like allways:)
thnks jasmin,

i have the office duster3 spray can n i sprayed around it; there' a lot of dust in there ; i want to clean out the dust in the cdrom drive area, but i dont know how to do it;

btw, i think poko might be mad at me for being too direct earlier, but i wasn't saying it out of malice.
How many fans do you have in your computer?

Check them all.

Sounds like your fan has got somthing in it .

To check the Case Fan's (If you have them) Number one Below unscrew it at the top and lift out.

To check the CPU Fan's number Two Below Unclip from the Sides buy lifting the small metal Clips. (If you are Pentum CPU they have a Fan Housin big mad plastic thing)

P.S. Switch Off power but leave the Plug in and Touch the case then remove the plug , just removes any Static Electricity.



I prefer not to use any liquids!!! Just a fine paintbrush and vacuumcleaner, it's enough. For CD-ROM you can use some spray or maybe poor liquid detergent like I use, somethin' for washing dishes but only few drops in lot of water.

OK, maybe some of them will laugh, who cares:)
lol oh mygod jasmin, r u kidding me?? if it were someone else, i'd think that they try to screw me up with that advice; but i dont think u r like that; i was told, liquids is a no no, plus the vacuum cleaner, the static discharge wont be good fro the computer; i think i 'lll wait for someone to look at it; i m really leery to do this kinda thing by myself; not that i dont trust u guys, but i dont trust me to follow direction rigth.

Jesus, you think I wanna sc***w you:confused:

Believe me, I use vacuumcleaner on my PC and all my friend's PCs and there was no problems 'till today!!!

Of course, PC must be OFF & UNPLUGGED

Still cannot believe you think I'm malicious:(
Re: @ubamous3

jasmin said:
Jesus, you think I wanna sc***w you:confused:

Believe me, I use vacuumcleaner on my PC and all my friend's PCs and there was no problems 'till today!!!

Of course, PC must be OFF & UNPLUGGED

Still cannot believe you think I'm malicious:(

no no!!!!! jasmin, please dont misunderstand me!! i didnt say that in the least if you read what i said again;

"if it were someone else, i'd think that they try to screw me up with that advice; but i dont think u r like that;"

that means i wouldnt think that about u at all; it's just that what you suggested seems too risky (in my inexperienced with hardware mind), that's all; remember, i have never opened a computer case before ever so it is a big deal to me even if it's easy shit for someone who is familiar with it.

Remember what i said to you earlier in my pm? if i said that to u, i'd not think u'd screw me over , ok??

Look, ubamous3, I remember very good your words from that PM, I'm glad you think about me and my wishes to help everyone like you said, so I'm dissapointed with your answer:confused:

I will never tell, neither you, neither anyone else, to do somethin' I didn't try before, believe me!

So, I'm not angry, really, and you better wait answer from somebody who is really an expert, I'm not and never have said that.

Best wishes, hope everything's gonna be OK with your PC:)
I must admit, I tend to use the "blow and choke" method - take a deep breath, blow, and then choke on the cloud of dust.

I have used a vacuum, but the real trouble is not from static, but the cumbersome nature of the tools - a whack on the heatsink, and you could fracture the rather inadequate plastic mount lugs.
Remember that ATXcases are only "soft off" and there is still some 5v live - if working inside, with it plugged in for earthing, the mains should be switched off at the socket - or for UK plugs, use a block, and reverse the plug off the edge so only the earth pin is in!

Your speeds also seem unusual, unless the "power" and "CPU" fan speeds are transposed.

Place a hand (or press a mousemat or paper) over the PSU fan vent, does the note change?

With the case open, GENTLY touch the hub of the CPU fan to slow it down (and keep OUT of the blades - and don't try it with high speed delta's etc.)

Any additional case fans, can be temporarily disconnected.

PS. Are you sure you haven't left a CD in the drive, and it's spinning that up - especially a bad one, as they sometimes spin to max speed and stay there!
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Check for fan #1 in the picture. I've had the same prob. finally gave up & replaced the fan. It seems either the metal plate cover was vibrating against the chassis or/and the plastic fan was scratching against the plastic cover.
Yep,agreed, sounds like a case fan!Could also be the cpu fan,(pictured )or video card fan.Also check the power supply fan,rear of the case.Usually a cleaning, and/or tightening in some instances will take care of the problem.If not,you will need to replace the offending unit as already mentioned.;)Lots of good advice already,it seems..:)
i work with eletronics for 30 years...
90% cpu fan (noise like "motor car" )
you can test it stoping the fan for a second with a finger(no problem doing it for a second)

just turn the fan for a new one
(Of course, PC must be OFF & UNPLUGGED) and you can use vacuumcleaner,paintbrush without problems.
jasmin said:

Thanks, mate, you "saved" me:D


You see, vacuum cleaner can be used;):):D
LMAO ok, so i m sorry for not have trusted in your experience haha, but just imagine yourself the first time ever opening up a computer, it's intimidating; i dont know anything about grounding or shit like that and what's safe or not safe; i didnt even know whether i should have the computer on with the top lid off :) so i felt bad that u took it personally but i really didnt mean it that way at all.

And by the way, thank you all, and poko too :) very much for your input, and esp. ryan5262 for taking the time to take a pic and attach it here to help me; i really do appreciate that. That's the spirit that we all should have, except dont bother me when you need my help of course LOL jk

I can go to bed now, at last, and I'll sleep like a baby, maybe I'll have some nice dreams:D

Dont worry, ubamous3, no bad feelings at my site, really:) But I can breath easier now, after jorel's post, believe me:)

Just in time cause I thought about new thread "Do you use vacuum cleaner for cleanin' your PC", really! Now, it's gone. Uhh, I'm very sleepy:eek: Aauu

My 3-yr old (PC that is) makes a lot of noise. I usually shutdown the system, power cycle & poof the problem vanishes.

- LotusFang

Sounds like one of your fans is dying - I suffered a baked PSU - yeah, I'd been using "percussive maintainence" for too long - a tap on the PSU vent area.

Could be the CPU HSF too! - and unless you have fan-fail warning, dead fan = dead CPU!