Help Im Going Nuts

:confused: Can anybody help I have a creative labs videoblaster external and have no problem capturing my video or dvd to my hdd and i saves as mpeg but how on earth do i convert it to vcd ive tried loads of progs but cant seem to get no where and yes dont tell me i have seen chickenmans read me but im still stuck I COULD BE JUST STUPID ??
yup, you could just be stupid! lol
Seriously, ChickenMan's tuts are pretty straight forward.
All you would have to do is load your mpeg file into TMPGEnc and provided your mpeg was set to the proper settings when you captured it (352x240 NTSC 29.97fps or if film 23.xx & your audo/layer-2 at 44100hz 224bits** or if PAL 352x288 25fps the rest the same), then you can just load it into the mpeg tools section & cut it to the right length of time to fit on each CD following CM tut.
If not, then you would have to process it in TMPGEnc from the first panel by loading it & then picking the right template for your VCD mpg file output.
Capturing with your capture card is only recommended for TV shows or VHS tapes. If you have a DVD-ROM drive, then best to use smartripper & store it on your HDD & then use either DVD2AVI (then loading it in tmpgenc to convert to proper vcd mpeg) or use flaskmpeg. This method will give you about 30% better result than doing your DVDs through your capture card 90% of the time. The other 10% of the time, you will get a 10% better quality result lol, so still better anyway you look at it.
Have a thorough read at the tutorials, cause otherwise you wouldn't be using your capture card for your DVDs (unless you have no DVD-ROM drive).
Good luck, & post any questions you need answered. That's what the forum is for.
(damn this was long)
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Should be a simple task really, but can you tell me the settings for the MPEG file your capturing & saving. Like waht frame rate, picure size, data rate, audio settings. We will then be able to help you.
Cheers guys

Thanks for the replys And yes i did think i was stupid
The capturre card that ive got Chickenman is a Creative labs video blaster external as at the time of purchase i had no AGP socket on my board And as far as the setting go i really dont know because i only get three options
1 save as mpeg1
2 save as mpeg2
3 save as vcd

thats all fine and well no problem but when i save as mpeg the pic is fine As an mpeg
but when i save as vcd it is terrible and out of synk
as for capture of dvd I do have a dvd drive but its easy to rip down to vcd But once again out of synk when i write it good pic though.
No problem with the mpeg Only the final vcd
And one more question HOW do i turn a good vcd into a svcd ??
An MPEG can have virtually any specs while a VCD has a riggid set of specs to adhere to. I suspect the mpeg files is lower quality than a true VCD and if you try to capture direct to VCD, your computer is struggling to do it in real time.

Try re-encoding the MPEG to VCD with TMPGEnc. Have a look in the Movie Tutorial section for the Tut on how to do it.

Dont bother with VCD to SVCD, as the final quality of the SVCD will be worse than the original VCD. You cant make a movie better by converting to a better standard.