Help!!! copy to DVD says 4.38 wont fit on a 4.7 gig disc


New member
Well I gave up on dvDx copy platinum (If you seen my other posts you already know the headaches that gave me & IFO edit wouldnt work either) .
& tried a Dvd decrypter , Dvd2one & copy DvD combo I want the entire movie intact on 1 disc (as why I tried DvDx copy platinum till my head hurt) & Tutorials all say this is possible.

All goes smooth until copy2DvD goes to burn the DvD There i`m told the file is over 4.37 Gigs (it`s 4.47) , & wont fit on disc which is 4.7 gig memorex DVD-R
Do I want to continue burning & even if I set copy dvd to required size & continue anyhow , another error message pops up saying I need @ least 4.48 gigs of disc space & it wont fit on my media (memorex DVD-R , 4.7 gigs in size) .

I`m banging my head on the monitor by now . What gives here .

Please give some much needed & appreciated advice

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this link will tell u why the true capacity of a dvd is not really 4.7gb, but rather 4.38gb.

for the sake of readability, i'd suggest that u not structure ur posts the way that u do. it gets annoying having to scroll down a page when the post is only a few sentences long, and it's also annoying having to start reading a new line after every fifth word.
Man,you sure are having a rough time.Like I mentioned before DvdXcopy just works for some people,and not others.Not sure what the problem is with it.

Why don't you use DvdShrink?You can size your project before you attempt to burn it. Just keep the size under 4.38 gigs,and everything should be fine.


New member
Shrink did it :) 1 more question

Fanx 4 all your advice

I`m not overly pleased with the quality
But it`s well enough . I copied entire
DvD intact , so I lost some quality
I just had a bright idea that may work ,
so I`ll ask here it it may work
Can I copy main movie uncompressed
to one disc , & go back to those
(DvD decrypted) files in shrink another
time & choose only the extras .
I did this once in DvDxcopy platinum ,
uncompressed the quality was
awesome , but on extras disc
everything was all over the place ,
I had credits & end splash screen ,
& lots of copyright stuff normally @ end
@ beginning & throughout the disc
But all was there , & it looked bang on
to original DvD , but ya can imagine
it was a pain to sort through .
Platinum , after 1 week of errors ,
finally did 1/2 a split DvD for me , but
didnt load 2nd portion .
Can I do as I asked , & have control
over how it all copies to disc , in logical
order . As ya know all that menu can
be confusing , & easiest is just to
compress & take it all . But I dont mind
using 2 DvDr`s if I can do as I asked.
If I can how may all this look/work
out in the program ? The guide has
no instructions on such .

PS : I`m not sure what AZImmortal meant
by the way I structure , I`m hoping this is what
s/he meant . I use to post this method , but caught
shit from folks saying everything crammed together
hurt their eyes .

Cheers :)-


Gold Member
still my preferd tools for high quality backups:

dvddecrypter 3160 and dvd2dvd-r 1.81(freeware) in combination with cce2.5 or cce2.67

PS : I`m not sure what AZImmortal meant
by the way I structure , I`m hoping this is what
s/he meant . I use to post this method , but caught
shit from folks saying everything crammed together
hurt their eyes .
that's exactly what i meant by the way u structure. The-poacher was nice enough to manually edit ur original post so that it's much easier to read. don't make unnecessary line breaks in ur sentences.

this is an example of a good sentence.

this is

an example

of a bad


this sentence
is still bad.