help: can't view avi files

I normally use window media player v8.0 to view avis and mpg's; however, there are some avi's that this program cant see the pic (only hear sound); it's not that i dont have the correct codec b/c I used gspot to figure out and it says that i do have it installed; plus, i can view them with windvd; so i m just curious as to why window media player can't see the pictures even when the codecs are installed.
that's 'cause windows media player is junk for things like that half the time. If you look around all divx boards, you will see that many people have problems with it.
You have to re-install the codecs often (then most times you will be able to view again)
you use a different player (like the one you used or zoom player or others).
thanks shadoe

so which ones do you recommend to use that's not too memory hogging and efficient? i have windvd 4 but it's really slow and takes up lot of memory
well I like to use zoom player. It's free & can work together with your winDVD also (plus works for mpegs/avi/dvd etc).
you can pick up a copy at:

however there are quite a few other players that many others use. Give them all a try. I won't bother naming them 'cause am sure others will have their comments also.
And if you want to stay with WMP, I would suggest good old version 6.4 as the best. I'm running (well try out !) WMP 9 at the moment and I think things are getting worse not better. :(
haha... for Sure brotha... for sure... hahahahehehahaha!
WMA is turning out to be a decoration... :D