Help burning image

I have a working image of Nascar 2002 for clonecd. The problem is that it refuses to work, unless i enable "hide cdr-media" which tells me that it is not burning properly.

So... Im wondering, what's up? ive tried 2 games, the other being civ3.

My burner supports proper EMF encoding. Its a liteon 48246S.

Are things going wrong because

A: My burner?
B: Because im using clonecd 4 to burn an image made in clonecd 3
C: Im burning too fast (40x)?

ive tried all settings and none work. But i like to burn without correcting sub channel data and ignoring weak sectors.

I've also tried installing from each copy. I'm having no luck here, plz someone help.
Try playing it in another CDRom drive (not DVDRom drive). Hide CDR-Media forces the drive to ignore the ATIP (CD Identifier tag on every blank CD-R). Clone-CD gives you the means to override this by using the hide function. Check the elby site to see if your player is affected by this issue and if the weak sectors option is even enabled (non-US regions only! - change to Canada if in US)!
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I tried it on my old comp and it worked just fine.
Yes, the features US/Japan lack are enabled.
I have yet to try it on a non burning drive on my current comp. Perhaps that will solve the problem.
If ccd don't work, try burning the image with alcohol. It can burn ccd images. Use sd2 settings and make sure bypass efm errors unchecked.

With your writer, copy will work from non-writer. Hide cdr media will be needed to run copy from writer though.
Burning with alchohol gives the same errors as clonecd.

Can you plz explain why it wont work in the writer? i havent put in a reader yet, but since its OK on the old comp im assuming it'll be the same here.
Course alcy gives the the errors as clone. The errors are meant to be there. They're the main part of the protection.

Won't work in a writer without hide coz of atip check. If game detects atip it won't run. That's the minor part of the protection. Cdrs and cdrws have atip, pressed silvers don't. All writers can detect atip, most cd roms and dvd roms can't.
Aww ok yeah thought so.

When i said errors i meant the ones u get as a result of the copy protection preventing the game from running. i didnt mean bad sectors or whatever they use.

Anyways, now i am finally assured that my burner is making proper copies.

Just one more thing tho, would you recommend amplifying ot ignoring weak sectors?