having chapters in VCD

hey, i went to w*w.vcdhelp.com but they didnt have a good tutoral on how to create a VCD with chapters (like how a DVD has chapters) can someone gimme a tutoral on how to create chapters with a VCD? and the best program to use for it? LOTSA THANKS!
i use ulead dvd movie factory to make chapters but now my problem is, i drop a lot of frames when capturing using vdub. any recommendation on other capture programs? i used to have one dropped frame per minute. i just reinstalled my win98se. anyways, this movie factory is so easy to use. try getting it at m*rpheus. i bought mine.
The few VCD's I've made with chapters where Video/Audio clips so kept them all as idividual mpg files and just put a menu on front with Nero. VCDEasy is suppose to be the "bee's knee's" of VCD Chapters.

batmasterson, have a look at AVI_IO. Its very fast, not as fleaxable as VD but you do get less dropped frames. Sorry I dont have a link at the moment.