Have I wasted my Money SVCD burn problem


New member
Hi, I am still new to this, I recently got Super Video Convertor (ex www.witcobber.com, then found there help etc to be non existant. The interface etc appears good. Anyway I converted a Xvid (300mb) to SVCD, 18 hours later I get left with a 705mpeg a 79 mpg and a 678mv2. I have Nero 6.3 but it will not recognise any or combination with out re-encoding, have I wasted my time? can any one suggest a solution.. Thanks :) :confused: :eek:
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I hate to be the one but U wasted your money


Is Chickenmans tutorial on this try it!!
have you tried burning the
with a 705mpeg a 79 mpg
as a SVCD in nero ?! when it says do you wish to convert choose no and burn as a none compliant svcd :)

for the blank cdrs its worth a test see if you player will play non standard svcds :)
Didn't you trial it before before buying?

Out of that assorted mishmash on their site, one of the others from this excersise in extracting extra money by splitting tasks between several programs may have been better.

Don't know why, but I took one look at the site, and took an instant dislike - maybe it's the samey collection of similar but different programs, or the thing that has a shower of awards, that I can't recall ever seeing anywhere - just looked at "the file transit", where they claim a 5 star award - NO MENTION AT ALL.