Hardware upgrades


New member
Hi MackemX,

I was thinking of buying a new hard disk in the new year. Could you give us all an idea of what hardware your hash code for registration uses. Will a new hard disk require a new registration file?


New member
Thanks for that, MackemX. I know how to get a new reg code, but I am an inveterate fiddler. Reinstalling Operating System, repartitioning to try Linux. Maybe installing a new DVD Writer, Hard Disk, whatever.

What I don't want to be doing is having to get a new reg code every couple of weeks as no doubt this would p*** you off :D . So what I was after was some guidelines on what i can alter without breaking DS. or has anybody else done something that has broken DS which they didn't expect.

as long as you don't take the p***, then I have no issues

be fair with me and I'll be fair with you, that's why I ask for what I do in that post ;)

nobody is yet to abuse me, though some have had settling in periods and the vast majority of people don't go changing their setups every other week

I'm a fiddler but I ain't broke DS that much unless I've been stress testing it :D


New member
From what I've noticed with dvdstripper's hardware id is one of the things it looks at is the volume serial number of your hard-drive. Just yesterday I formated my C: to upgrade from win2000 to winxp home. Before I formatted I happened to write down my volume serial number. I wasn't sure if a format would change my volume id, but it did. As it turns out when I was done installing xp I tried to run dvdstripper with my old reg key. No good, hardware id had changed. I was able to change my volume id back to what it was before, and my reg key worked again. I guess my point of all this is to suggest that if you format and reinstall alot to write down your volume id. If anyone wants the name or link to the webpage for the program I used let me know.



New member
Hi Manifest
I know how to read the ID but I dont know how to change it so any info on that subject would be useful to me and maybe to others.

ds47uk said:
Hi Manifest
I know how to read the ID but I dont know how to change it so any info on that subject would be useful to me and maybe to others.

Dysml told me about this a while back

just drop the volumeid.exe into your C:\

then click START and RUN and type 'command'' in the box

then change the directory to C:\, normally you will type 'cd c:\'

then type 'volumeid c: xxxx-xxxx'

if you type just 'volumeid', it will tell you what to do

xxxx-xxxx is the new ID you want to give your Hard drive

be careful what you do though and don't come crying when DS doesn't work ;)

just request a new key if you aint confident enough to do this but it will save me having to create a new key :D. Seeing as the hardware is exactly the same the old key should really still work but I guess for some people it doesn't. It may be because they are reformatting a different way and using different XP keys and usernames but if this helps then great ;)
NICE little tip there for D.S. users MACKEM :)

Its good to see a developer 110% FULLY supporting their userbase :)

You dont even get this kinda support from the HUGE companys like microsuck etc lol and you lot here get advice and help for FREE :)
VIPER_1069 said:
NICE little tip there for D.S. users MACKEM :)

Its good to see a developer 110% FULLY supporting their userbase :)

You dont even get this kinda support from the HUGE companys like microsuck etc lol and you lot here get advice and help for FREE :)
cheers ;)

I'm only doing what I would expect myself and I try my best. I just wish some other programs would offer a little more advice :(. We are just the little guys but we have a better idea of what the little guys want unlike some softwares. It's hard work trying to keep up but at least we try instead of taking the easy option and not offering any advice

MX :)
I hope this is for help when reformatting and not some underlying crack basics because the hex serial of a hard drive is just used as one of the identifying factors. Besides that the program barely costs as much a few blank dvds if people cant support that author in this situation they're just freakin sad.
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New member

I must admit when I asked this question I was worried that someone would construe it as trying to get info for a hack. I promise that in my case at least this is not true - I just want to know what I can change without the hassle of getting a new reg code. In any case, as many have said, for a few quid (or dollars or euros) it's not worth bothering.

In any case if MackemX lives in Mackemland, then I'm just down the A19 so he could come down with the boys..... :D
I'm know that dysml is just setting the record straight and not making accusations but he does have a valid point and the subject of this thread was questionable and dysmyl's post makes it quite clear now :D

it did enter my mind it could be something to do with the dark side and manifest's offer of the program did seem strange until he named it. I had a feeling it would be volumeid.exe and dysml had already pointed this out to me weeks ago. This program will help users who reformat and find that their ID changes to use their old key but it will not work on another system. I've tried it on a few systems and some crashed and some didn't so that why I said dont come running to me if you break it ;). The safest way is just to request a key giving the details required if you can wait all of a few hours

if I thought it was for other purposes then I would not have replied and closed & deleted the thread. I know the general atmosphere in this great forum is to give the benefit of the doubt first to the poster before taking action so I just sat back instead and chilled ;)

Oh man don't think i was accusing at all, sorry if it sounded like was directed at you. Was just using this as an opportunity to address the issue.

Again man im sorry if i came off like a jerk