Happy Thursday

It's a great sunny morning, so instead of going outdoors, I sit on this machine. But, I did open the blinds and made a sacrifice of several small animals to the sun gods. Some of them being hamsters.
Did some major changes with the computer. Hooked up an HP laptop to the monitor and keyboard. I hate ME, which it's running, but it's temporary. The other two computers, a presario and a cow are going to be the start of a wonderful hobby. Building Janie's Super-Computer. I have started sewing a cape for it already.
Back to small animals...I heard that if you get lost in the woods in Arkansas you look for armidillos or possums. They are always migrating to the nearest roads to become road pizza. I ran into a possum in the woods at night one time. I hope to never do that again. You can't see them coming at you. I have it's skull in a display drawer now.
More small animal stuff...Jack went outside last night and has not returned. I hate when that happens. Jack is not known to miss feeding time. He's been neutered (and I just now pictured each and every one of you reaching down to protect yourselves) so isn't in love anywhere.
Well, that's about it. Please feel free to jump in here and take a break from the seriousness of your other missions on this site.
Janie ;)
janiedriver said:
He's been neutered (and I just now pictured each and every one of you reaching down to protect yourselves) so isn't in love anywhere.

Well,when I was young,my parents had a cat that was "fixed" too.....So we were extremely surprised when we saw him making love.... :D
Being neutered is no guarantee to stay away from the opposite sexe... ;) :D
roadworker said:
Well,when I was young,my parents had a cat that was "fixed" too.....So we were extremely surprised when we saw him making love.... :D
Being neutered is no guarantee to stay away from the opposite sexe... ;) :D
I guess so! I have two neutered males. Sometimes (usually when there is company over) they start that strange activity with each other. I guess it saves me from having to spend hours coming up with ideas for entertaining guests! "Hey, wanna come over for some beer and to watch my cats hump?"
Who could resist an evening like that!! ;)
Hehehehehe :p:D:p

We used to have a pet dog & that was her fav party trick, the funny thing was the dog was female, but would only do the leg hump to men :p

BaNzI :D
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banzibaby said:
Hehehehehe :p:D:p

We used to have a pet dog & that was his fav party trick, the funny thing was the dog was female, but would only do the leg hump to men :p

BaNzI :D
Way to go, Girl! Why can't people be more like animals? ;)
Funniest thing about it was the blank look it had in its eyes as it done it, off course U knew it was time to shoo it away when it made the goofy face lol :p:D:p

BaNzI :D
Heheheh, i mean the goofy face us men make during sex at the most critical of moments, Robin Williams was spot on in his Live AT Met classic standup :p:D:p

BaNzI :D
I guess I'd better not get a pit-bull! I never saw the Robin Williams goofy-face thing.
Just came in from spending an hour down by the fountain reading. I just know this skin is gonna start burning soon. I am reading Gone With the Wind. Maybe it will help my southern education some. I never read the book. But I do watch the movie every year. At the risk of sounding a little "off", Vivian Leigh is the most beautiful woman I've ever seen. I would give anything to look like her!