Hanging out

After days of trying to repair damage done to my PC, I am finally just sitting back and enjoying some of the fruits of my frustrations. You guys have been a big help. Either directly, or starting me on the path to finding the solution. Now I am just sitting at the keyboard, having another cup of coffee while my fingers jitter spasticly over the keyboard. Voices in my head tell me to get off this damn machine, and other voices say "No, you just spent the best years of your life working on it. Now enjoy the programs!" I have rebooted enough to read the entire Fayetteville phone book while I was waiting. I forgot what a real person looks like and my eyeballs have gone square. I may go out this evening just so I can see what things look like in 3-D. Or maybe I will just stay on here. **giggle**
LOL!!Think it's time for a few beers! ;)

On the positive side..you seem to still have a good attitude about things. :)