Hacker CD

Hi ,
This is a message to N.B :
NB we need informations on the "Hacker CD",as i asked a few posts ago!
Thanks in advance for your reply.


Staff member
Yeah ..
The deal is:
You can download the programm, start it, and it will establish connection to their server ..
You will get some nice tools from their server ..
And some info about how to crack&hack ;)

But it isn´t cheap .
You will be billed by mins, I don´t exactly know how much ! :p
Yep, so ...

At least you can say:
When I use this tool I sopport this site ! :)
Thank's very much for this reply
So,you confirm that the executable "HackerCD on line.exe" is not dangerous for me or any user???Right?
ZiZou ;)

I have seen notices on the net saying that some of these exe's that connect you to certain sitez can cost upto £1.50 per minute
and can incurr huge phone bills. So please be sure you know where and what your doing.:cool:


Staff member
This tooö is a dialer, and you will be billed ..
That for sure ! ;)
But you can access some interessting files ..

and you support cdrsoft.cc :)
Thank's Flyby
"So please be sure you know where and what your doing"
Flyby,that's exactly what i want to know!Where am i and what am i doing?
-am i "hacked "myself when clikin' on .exe
-what does this dialer install exactly on my H.D?
-what files and where are they located on H.D?
-is it totaly secured and safety?
N.B. i'm 100% OK to support cdrsoft and pay something to be informed on "hack & crack",and by the other hand to felecitate yourself N.B for your site and your work on that site,but one more time,i'm a little bite anxious to install something on my H.D without knowing (like say Flyby)what i'm doing precisely!!!
N.B i have confidence and i trust you , but if someone other user has already install that"HACKER CD ONLINE",i 'll appreciate very much to have another feedback....
Anyway,please continue that fabulous site,i think that a lot of people are learning many things and can found a lot of usefull files,like i do.
My very best regards
ZiZouNet "the frog" ;)