Great video!

Nice... And I'll leave it at that before I piss someone off!!!!
Just remember it's better to get pissed off then pissed on!!!!:eek::rolleyes:
If those ads were tilted anymore to the left you would have to rotate your monitor 90 degrees to the right just to watch them.
I live in snow county. In the Endless Mountains region of PA. I drive a 2001 HUMMER with a 6.5L Turbo Diesel. On occasion, I have found people on the side of the road after their little tiny fuel efficient vehicles have lost traction and slid off into a ditch, and offered to pull them out. To this date I have yet to have one of them refuse because of my Global Warming Contributing, Diesel Particulate spewing, 44 inch swamppers, 9mpg HUMMER was too offensive for their sensibility.

I guess what I am saying is that everybody complains about large, heavy duty vehicles until they need one to save their own *ss.
I love the Hummer I seen that was showing off and drive off the road and got stuck. The part that I found the funniest was when they had to use a shovel to dig it out. I'm sorry I didn't take a picture but I did call friends who where working near by to come take a look.:)
See in NY thats what you find with must people who buy Hummer or any SUVs for that matter.
What irks many people about the 4x4, is that most of them are used by people who never venture off the winter gritted main roads, clogging the same main roads up on the "school run" (the school bus seems to be such an eminently sensible solution for that.

Mind you, with the way oil prices are going, small, economical cars are becoming more fashionable, even in the USA - after all, British motorists are used to being taxed until the pips squeak, and in answer to the high oil prices, fuel tax increases have been held off, no such relief where you already pay a much fairer price.
LTR12101B said:
What irks many people about the 4x4, is that most of them are used by people who never venture off the winter gritted main roads

This is true for most. I would advise you all to check out a place called Paragon in Hazleton, PA. I frequent there often and it is actually the biggest reason why I got the H1.