Great question.


New member
I am splitting a DVD that has 3 titles with each having 10 chapters. I am splitting like this:

Disc 1:
Title 1
Title 2 chapters 1-5

Disc 2:
Title 2 chapters 6-10
Title 3

I have the top level menu on both discs, but on the chapter menu for title 2, I only put the stills that show the 1-5 selection on Disc 1 and the stills that show chapters 6-10 on Disc 2. And I also don't include any submenus on Disc 1 that would come up when Title 3 is selected from the main menu. My goal was to just have those options not available, but instead, when I select something that is not there (like chapter 6 in title 2 while viewing Disc 1) the DVD just stops. I would like to have it not even let me move the cursor down instead of just crashing. Is there anyway to do this?
is this the menu you are talking about? I guess it's going to a menu that you have removed for it to stop like that but I'm not sure

you can use either MenuModder to disable the buttons to the titles/chapters you have removed on the DVD. It will highlight them still but you cannot 'press' the button so it should never get to go anywhere to hang ;)

or use Menuedit and totally remove the highlight from the menu also


New member
Yes, it is going to a menu that is not there so it stops.

I think Menumodder or Menuedit will do the job. Thanks!


New member
I have a question on the use of Menumodder. I have a DVD I am trying to split that has 3 buttons on the main menu. Button #1 and #2 need to be available for Disc 1, Button #2 and #3 need to be available for Disc 2. Is there anyway I can do this using the Split Disc option, or do I need to do Strip Disc option and do Disc 1 and then go back and do Disc 2? If I am using the Split Disc option and I make a change and save it on top of itself, then the changes would be present on both discs, but when I save it to a new .vob, it is not listed in the Menu item list.

Also, you say that with Menumodder that the button will still be highlighted, but you won't be able to press the button. But if you use Menumodder select the "Editor" button, doesn't that let you determine what is selected by pressing the arrows? If so, couldn't you make changes such that the buttons you are disabling can never be selected with the arrows?

One last question. What when i use Menumodder to edit xxx.VOB and then I save it, there is a very small xxx.BUT file created. What is this file for?

Thanks. Great work.
you would have to use strip mode to do what you want to do

yes you can manually change the buttons in the editor. I forgot about that, thanks for reminding me :)

so you can just change the buttons to the left/right/up/down so they skip the button you have disabled. I'm hoping to get this automated real soon as the formula behind it is real simple ;)

say you want to remove button 3 you must find any button that points to the removed button and point it to the button that would be pointed to by the removed button. The quick guide below sounds complicated but in most cases should be real easy once you get the idea ;)

In the pic below I want to remove button 3. Button 2 down & right point to button 3. Replace button 2's values with button 3's down & right values respectively. Now button 2 down and right should be 4 as that is what button 3 would go to. Button 4 up and left go to button 3 so again replace the up & left values in button 4 with the up & left values from button 3. Now nothing points to button 3 and it will not be highlighted. It's best to leave the original values for button 3 as that may be the starting button number and if you remove the values where will it go? :)


Gil T Pleasure

New member
MackemX said:
It's best to leave the original values for button 3 as that may be the starting button number and if you remove the values where will it go? :)
I'm curious, let's say button 3 is the starting button.. what happens if you change the values of button 3 with, say, values of button 1? Will the starting button be changed to button 1?

Gil T Pleasure

New member
To answer my own question, no the starting button will not change.

I notice that even though I disabled a starting button, it's still clickable. Since I stripped the title/chapter that the button points to, I get a blank screen for a second or two before going back to the root menu. It would be nice if I can completely disable the starting button from being highlighted.
if you remove a button, it should be disabled and shouldn't do anything if you press it even if it's highlighted

something has went wrong somewhere. Either the data has not been saved when you disabled the button (maybe due to it being used by another aplication) or the menu has more than 1 cell. Another reason maybe that it has more than 1 group of buttons and you are only removing one aspect ratio's buttons, so is the remove linked buttons selected in the preferences?

when you save the Menu, try loadindg another menu and then reload the problem menu. Does it show in red as it has been removed?

if it does show in red then there may be another cell with part of the menu that still contains the button

you can completely remove buttons from being highlighted (quick guide), but not starting buttons without some effort. Not only would have to modify the VOB's (easy enough) but you would also check have to check through the IFO's also for any references (not so easy)

Gil T Pleasure

New member
MackemX said:
Another reason maybe that it has more than 1 group of buttons and you are only removing one aspect ratio's buttons
I'll check tonight if there is more than one group of buttons (I wondered what Group 1, Group 2, and Group 3 do and now I know).

MackemX said:
you can completely remove buttons from being highlighted (quick guide), but not starting buttons without some effort.
Indeed. It's the starting button that is giving me problems.

Gil T Pleasure

New member

You were right. After disabling the button on Group 1 and Group 2, it was no longer clickable. I noticed that the arrow headers of the Button Editor are not what they should be. The left arrow is actually the up arrow, right is actually down, up is actually left, and down is actually right.
Gil T Pleasure said:
The left arrow is actually the up arrow, right is actually down, up is actually left, and down is actually right.
Pleased to hear it works :D

I think you are right as it should be UP/DOWN/LEFT/RIGHT

good spot :cool: and I've changed it but I want a few more mods also so people will have to live with the incorrect icons for now ;)
it's nothing really special but they are the dimensions of the buttons

if you have them shown and then resize a button you will see them update also

resizing/moving the buttons is not really a usable feature as you would have to edit the sub picture also. That feature isn't implemented yet and I doubt it ever will :(