Great help!

Hi Guys (and Gals),

I have come across your site only recently and just wanted to compliment everyone on the quality of the help.

I purchased a copy of NFS porsche unleashed and Superbike 2000.
Tried to make backup copies with Roxio software and my Philips PCRW-1208 and made many coasters.

I downloaded the firmware upgrade and used advice provided on the site as well as CloneCD and everything worked like a charm.

My excitement was almost uncontrollable, maybe you guys remember your first successful copies, maybe it doesn't matter to you, but I was happy

Thank you so much. Hopefully I will be able to post something of value to someone someday.
Welcome bud!!Glad you found some things to help you.I remember my first good burn...True 1:1 with Clone cd!Bought the program right away.It was great!!!Had many coasters before that...LOL:)


Staff member
Once again:
This forum is the place to be ! :)

The team and the people here a niece and impressive smart :)
Its great isnt it!

Glad to see you like it too!

ps that roxio software u had, take it to you nearest lake and see how many bounces you get when you skim it across the surface!:p