Good Deals for US shoppers

This web site has some killer deals on it. Its updated daily. They mointor all deals on PC stuff at places like Circuit City, CompUSA, Best Buy, Staples, OfficeMax and Office Depot.

Today I ordered a 10/100 switch and a 10/100 router for $15 and $11 respectively. This is the Belkin reburshied items blowout.

Yesterday I ordered the Cyndyne (probably Lite-on) 52X burner for $15 total and it was delivered today.

Last week I bought the 160 GB Matxor for $100 and it came with an ATA133 controller card.

If you don't mind mailing in rebates check out the deals here:

They are good

Sounds like they are extending all the STORE rebates.

If that is the Cendyne with all light blue box it has been going for $10 and the one I returned a while ago! My other burners did not recognize it.

Best Buy just advertized my ATI Radeon 64meg which I bought weeks ago there and it was not in their books YET back then. I had a rebate then!

If you LOOK you can find most any time.