Ghost restore from CD


New member
I have a uncompressed Ghost image to CDR of one logical partition that consist of 89 ghost image files spanned across 17 Cd’s. Ghost did not ask me to reinsert CD #1 after the last CD was burned.

The files that are imaged are a combination of web pages, text documents, word documents, Word 2000 documents, photos, a couple of avi files and emails. The OS I am running is Windows 98 SE.

I went to restore the image and it did fine until half way through Cd#5 when I got a “CDR101: Not ready reading drive X, Abort, Retry, Fail” notice.

I copied the image files from the CD’s to partition 4 of my hard drive but it would not copy image file number 30 of disk five. I copied all of the other files to partition 4 and then tried to use Ghost Explorer to open them. I would not go past file 30.

I am able to read the contents of all of the files by right clicking and choosing “open with” and then choosing word pad. But I was not able to open file number 30 at all. It would go up to 99% then say it couldn’t open the file so I am assuming that the problem with the file is somewhere near the end.

With CD#5 in the CD player and the files that are on that CD open in Windows explorer I right clicked file #30 and chose “send to” and then “mail recipient”. That opened an email in Outlook Express with file number 30 as an attachment.

But the size of the attachment was only 4,896 KB, file number 30 is 4,928 KB so 32 KB did not get copied from the file. I saved that attachment to disk and was able to open it in word pad, edit it and then click save and have the file still be a Ghost image file.

I tried altering the file in different ways, saving it back to “read only” and then placing it in with the rest of the Ghost image files but ghost Explorer will still not go past that file.

I tried editing out everything from where the first HTML shows up to the end, saving only the code at the top of the file but that didn’t work either.

When open in word pad the files look like this (below). Some code then it changes to regular HTML then back to code again.

RÊX½ú“B³^‰}[µÇL§ô3tj¶èé�þƒjIj# ”aÓ)§ñ~xùU½ílÛvã*¥êʳÝéðŠzG¥k«øœyqÇm]¾#ØsÑݱ)³ñ,QŠ\ß|¹´Ëº ñ6Ê=Õº³&ô®½y¥æô>nßÚ2w�ÒS²½vÊœc’æ¸Y(úqúôÔõl
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<!-- saved from url=(0043) -->
<META content="text/html; charset=windows-1252" http-equiv=Content-Type>
<META content="MSHTML 5.00.2614.3500" name=GENERATOR></HEAD>
<BODY bgColor=#ffffff>


I have looked at the opening and the close of several of the files and there does not seem to be any consistent closing code, it usually just goes directly to the other file even if it is right in the middle of a line of HTML.

For instance file number 31 ends with

<p><font face="Arial" size="2">Objetivo: Instancia técnica responsable de la emisión de avalúos de predios rústicos.</font></p>
<p><font size="2" f

and file number 32 starts with

<table border="0" width="550" cellspacing="5" cellpadding="4">

So there is no code leading from one file to another at the end or start of each file (as far as I can tell).

I would gladly lose all the information that file # 30 (or all of CD#5) has if it means I could access the rest of the files.

Does anyone have any suggestions?

Thank you in advance.

