gefroce 4600 vivo help

I need alil help with my roommates computer he bought a gateway(pos) with a visiontek geforce ti4600 vivo card and gateway did not include any video in software i have tried a couple of capture software that has been recommended here like windvr, power director pro but to no avail and i always get the same response no input detected. I have it setup like this. The video out of my vcr is contected to his video in on his graphics card. soo n e suggestions? thanks
power down. Have the video source ON and broadcasting, then power up. Go into the Nvidia control panels and check to see if it now detects the input.
thank you for responding. i have the vcr on and checked the s video cable. restarted the computer and the input is still not detected. I then checked all the drivers and updated them and tried again. still no input. if it did detect the input where would it say so in the nvidia control panel. i am checkin to see if it works by runnin windvr so maybe that is the problem? i looked through all of nvidias options in the control panel. thanks for your help