gaim 1.0 out

Gaim: The Pimpin' Penguin IM Client that's good for the soul!

version 1.0.0 (09/17/2004):
New Features:
* Drag-and-drop buddy support for the Invite dialog (Stu Tomlinson)
* Drag-and-drop buddy support for the Pounce dialog (Stu Tomlinson)
* View Chat log available from the interface (Daniel Atallah)
* Ability to receive offline messages in character encodings
other than ASCII (thanks to Nick Sukharev)
* File transfer status messages printed to conversation
windows (Dave West)
* Display file transfer messages when someone sends you a file
over AIM (Dave West)
* Handle MSN buddy lists more sanely (Felipe Contreras)
* Zephyr can use tzc to run from behind a firewall (Arun A Tharuvai)

Bug Fixes:
* Work around window manager stupidity with new dialog windows (Dave West)
* Compile with gtk 2.5.x (Gary Kramlich)
* Escape invalid characters in log names (Daniel Atallah)
* Fix for clicking add in an msn chat with 2 or more people in your buddy
list (Daniel Atallah)
version 1.1.2 (1/20/2005)

been a while since i've posted something useful :p

version 1.1.2 (1/20/2005):
* MSN 'HTTP Method' fixed (Felipe Contreras)
* Better handling of MSN's Individuals group and buddy status updates
(Felipe Contreras)
* Fix a crash inviting MSN user to a chat when they're already there
* AIM SecurID login support
* Fix configuration of Jabber chat rooms on some servers
* More MSN bug fixes (Felipe Contreras)
* Fix queue messages to Docklet when not globally away (Robert McQueen)
* Fix some leaks
* The Autopackage now builds both the mozilla-nss and the gnutls
ssl plugins, and requires at least one of those libraries.</pre>
the notable thing is that the tray icon is more eye appealing than the previous one ,apart from the various bug fixes :D
Normally I like praising opensource applications, but for Gaim I could gladly make an exheption! :D IMHO it's both buggy AND darn ugly.
My personal favorite is (still ) Simple Instant Messenger which seems being almost dead since last July (likely due to a quarrel between the program developers), but it's the best multiprotocol (and multiplatform) client I have tried so far.