Fully Downloading Internet Explorer

sometimes while repairing a pc i need to upgrade the system to the latest version of IE. the target pc is usually running win98 or winme or even win95 ... when i run the installation program of internet explorer 6.0 most of the times displays a message that i have wrong/missing files for this operating system and it wants to connect to the internet so that it can download the correct files.
what im looking for is a way to have a FULL internet explorer 6.0 set of files so that i dont have to download the damn thing everytime i need to install explorer...
in a few words an explorer installer that works on win9x,me with any previous version of IE.

there is a command that is supposed to download all explorer files to your hard disk
C:ie6setup /c:"ie6wzd.exe /d /s:""#E" (or something like this)
but it doesnt seem to work... (maybe im doing something wrong)
also i've seen that the control file that lets ie6setup "knows" what version of windows you have or what files you have downloaded is called "filelist.dat"

i think that a combo of the above command with a modification of filelist.dat can achieve an explorer setup set that installs anywhere.....

any idead anyone on how to achieve this?
The command for a "download only" install of ie6 is:
C:\ie6setup.exe /C:"ie6wzd.exe /d /s:""#E"""
there are 3 doublequotes after the E
Just checked and this is correct.
Not sure if it carries through to V6, but I've always found that the download for later option can be accesses from within the setup menu -
"Install Minimal or Customize"
Download only
And after that, you may be able to choose the Windows version(s) that you wish to include support for.

PS. I think IE6 does not support Win95 - for Win95 versions, IE5.5SP2 may be required - and is still being supported alongside IE6.
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i just used the info that was on binks site(h**p://www.bink.nu/ie6/) it worked well, tried on both winxp and win2k.
for IE and all windows component updates, i use WINDOWS UPDATE CATALOG @ /http://v4.windowsupdate.microsoft.com/en/default.asp?corporate=true. this service determines the updates you need (including driver update for yr hardware), let you choose among them and most importantly let you save the updates to a location of yr choice. so, if you use the catalog just after an OS installation, you can have all the required updates handy for later use.
i've noticed this while upgrading internet explorer 6 in Win98
if you dont put all the internet explorer download files in the "c:\windows\Windows Update Setup Files" folder then when you try to install ie6 , it always requires you to connect to the internet.. this only happens in win98 , all other OS installs the downloaded ie6 setup files without problem...