Full Rip With DVD2DVD-R & CCE plz help chickenman :)


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Full Rip With DVD2DVD-R & CCE plz help someone !! chickenman anyone :/

i have managed to get a perfect rip of toystory using the dvd2dvd-r and cce method but wanted to keep the extras and menu, how can this be acheived with the 2 programmes ? i dont really want to use dvd2one or similar, id rather wait longer for the encode and have a mint movie :)

any help appreciated, thanks guys !!! keep it goin
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I do this regularly but a bit difficult to write it all down so I will just give a quick guide on how to do it.

You convert each Main movie and Extra individually. You add up their lengths in time, then change the CD size in the proportion of the total for each part. (ie mAin movie might be 3440 and the extra 1000)

To get the menu, if its a still menu, just hit the Camera (capture) button found in WinDVD and Powerdvd ( not sure if that still has it). Edit id needed. If a motion menu, it 99% of the time in VTS_01_0.VOB file. Just open that file ONLY in DVD2AVI, set the start and end slider points to select the Menu bit you want, hit Save Project. This save out the audio as AC3, then encode the *.d2v file to an *.mpv file using TMPGenc using appropriat DVD Template. I set to best quality and Manual VBR @ 4000 bitrate. Normally donr in 1-2 min.

Finally load all movies, extras and menus with their audio tracks into Maestro and author. I have backed up all my Star Trek Next Generation series this way and they look and feel just like the originals.