ftp server

I want to set up an ftp server. What kind of security issues should i be concerned with? Will using a program like ability ftp server (_www.code-crafters.com) be fine in term of security? will setting up a user name & pw be good enough? i don't want anyone hacking or my isp to snoop around my site. Any advice is greatly appreciated.
It's a matter of code integrity... any good, proven server software should be fine.
Suggesting either GuildFTPd or Filezilla server, both are free, very stable and not having serious bugs (especially the first one).
GuildFTPd is ok...byt not as simple as bulletproff ftp...Never tryed filezilla........Bulletproff is the way to go.......And name is better too :) :)
have any of u tried ability ftp server? It has to be the easiest one that i've seen. I don't know how good it is though.
I have... in fact i've tried most free+ commercial FTP servers.
None of them comes close to the stability and security of a Unix FTP server (proFTpd, PureFTPd, WU-ftpd...) or a FreeBSD server. But up to date Guild was tremendously good (no SSL yet, and the daemon module is still unofficial- both are expected for the long awaited version 1.0) never ever had a problem with the known hacking scripts which I had run on purpose. the GUI may oolk a bit peculiar at first sight, but it's very easy to manage, and after all a peculiar GUI is better (although less secure) than no GUI at all, as applies for most Linux servers.
G6/Bullet Proof FTP server is tops if you're willing to pay for one on MSN Windows based PCs. Guild is a good alternative.
Are there concerns? YES
Is anything fullproof against hackers? NO, not even unix based systems are free of hackers... BUT unix based are deffinately more secure (mainly because of less people using them *as in script-kiddies).
You should still have some form of firewall (external best, but software will do). You can never fully protect yourself, but at least with the firewall you can control most of your traffic.
What type of FTP server do you plan to run? If it's for just you and friends, then in your firewall and also in FTP server security settings, just set their IP address's and make sure you give them all different passwords (at least 10 characters long).
These things will help protect you better... However, being that you will have to leave the port(s) open for people to access your FTP server, you will always be at a risk. So my last suggestion on this would be for you to think of a different port number than the default 21. Suggest you do something like 4000 or 7000 or something like that (not 2121 lol).
Good luck!
I'm using Serv-U v4.1.0.3 and never had problems with it. It supports SSL too. Since I need to access my computer from outside, I've set up the ports to something neer 32000 :) it was a bit lower than the unix ftp client could access, so I can access it from my university's account.

The best thing you can do is:
-Open only one high port (like 32000 since 32000 somthing is the unix client's limit, at least for me...)
-have a GOOD firewall (hardware+software)
-Use (long and complex) password, and if you can, use SSL wich encode communications

Good luck :)