frame freezing


New member
Hi All,
Just looking for advice regarding frame freezing, I use Arita DVD-R x4 about an hour into the movie it starts freezing. can any1 explain why?
Welcome. :)
How are your recording them?
It looks like that media is Ritek or Ricoh but its always nice to make sure so use Dvd Identifier to tell us who makes them. For all I know that media is only Ritek or Ricoh but I haven't seen that in the US so I don't know.
Also what burner are you using and which firmware? :)
In fact I did a search of the forum and found that out that Arita is cheap media which means junk!!!!
ChickenMan said:
Arita is normally B (or even C) Grade Ritek G04, use A Grade Riteks under the name Ritek or Ridata and you cant go wrong.
You may just want to try better media.:) Good luck.