for people who use imagetools and decryptor guide.

hello all,
in order to burn dvd's movies i used to burn the movies with nero , which made me a lot of problems (my stand alone dvd couldnt find any disc's) so i switch to the image tools and the decryptor (to burn the image) and it worked for me .
i managed to burn star wars, now when i tried to burn pearl harbor and behind ene,y lines i have problems :
my dvd could recognize the disc's he found the dvd disc and load the display (i hope you undestand what he does) ,on the screen nothing happend but on the dvd display there is the chapter and the time is 00:00:00 and he doesnt start running .
so i think the problem is somewhere in the ifo's but i dont exactly sure or know what to do with it , so anyone can put a little light one this issue ? please.
hi there,

should it be somehow possible to you, try to burn your dvds with gear pro mastering edition 6.02, it is also doing a simple check (mainly addresses) of the files you're loading in the VIDEO_TS folder. It saved me a lot of coasters ...
If your movie runs correctly with the Ifoedit DVDPlay feature, then it it is definitely a problem of burning. You should do the running check with Ifoedit before EVERY attempt to burn a disc.


correct use of image tools and dvd decryptor to burn will give u a totally compatible burn.
If it doesnt play with this then it is the authoring/mastering that is incorrect.
sorry , but i dont know what is authoring/mastering means , or maybe i do know but i dont know that its called like this.
can u explain it to me ?
Creating the image and burning it

My method is as follows:

Create the image with ifoedit/imgtools and burn with DVDDecrypter or RecordNow Max. Works every time :)

Check out this site (in French):


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