For outlok(expres&office)users!! You can get the best anti-spam email tool for free now--check the link!!!Also the new version is out(just check the update option for existing users!!)......I used this software for last 3-4 months and is nice tool for all those annoying mail with all anti-spam possible options,like bouncing,tracking,blocking.......!!!
Very nice one! But...
1. I don't live in the States, and 2. I don't use Outlook (Express). 3. My current client (Moz mail/Thunderbird) has a very good+ fully customizable spam filtering concept, does not have any of the Outlook (Express) vulnerabilities, and it's absolutely free to use.
And I'm bitta paranoid about my email, I've set my client to auto TRASH every email which comes in html format- I just receive plain text formatted stuff.
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