For Chickenman

Is it possible to improve the quality of a vcd that appears to have been compressed too much (i.e. pixelating at the slightest movement not just rapid movement), or can that only be done with the original data.

Thanx, yor the man :)
:) :) :)
am not CM, but I can answer this one for you.
NO you cannot improve anything (even from the original).
You will always have some loss, but if you follow the tutorials mastered by CM, then you will obtain the best quality possible (at a minimal loss).
(always do your encodings from the source *best always direct from DVD/vob/avi files, but quality you get will always depend on quality of your orginal)
Thanx shadoe_phantom, I already swear by the CM tutes, but the VCD in question was obtained as just that, a VCD and terrible quality, probably a hand held cam movie, that I was asked to look at. Thanx again for the reply.


hey mate

we know this prob ;) somebody takes his cam into the cinema and voila ... there it is on the net ...
but as Shadoe said way to improve it ...

well we could have never done it without you CM, 'cause we (well speaking for myself), learned everything from you on this subject (& a little bit from other places, but mainly you).