Firefox clocks 50 million News:- It’s the Big Five O for Mozialla’s Firefox web browser.
Fifty Million copies have been downloaded making it the most popular downloader out there, relatively speaking.
The ‘relatively’ comes in when you consider Microsoft and its Internet Explorer have, wihtout question, been been dominant. But the fact Firefox has gained significant marketshare in a such a remarkably short period of time makes it the new Number One.
Bill and the Boyz will no doubt dismiss the very idea but, given the skepticism that now greets anything Windows, they must know their monopoly of the browser world is over.
The magic time for the magic number was 8:58 AM PST, April 29. And as we key this in, the numbers are rolling over – 50,690,772 – 773 – 774 – 775 ……
original story: News:- It’s the Big Five O for Mozialla’s Firefox web browser.
Fifty Million copies have been downloaded making it the most popular downloader out there, relatively speaking.
The ‘relatively’ comes in when you consider Microsoft and its Internet Explorer have, wihtout question, been been dominant. But the fact Firefox has gained significant marketshare in a such a remarkably short period of time makes it the new Number One.
Bill and the Boyz will no doubt dismiss the very idea but, given the skepticism that now greets anything Windows, they must know their monopoly of the browser world is over.
The magic time for the magic number was 8:58 AM PST, April 29. And as we key this in, the numbers are rolling over – 50,690,772 – 773 – 774 – 775 ……
original story: