file copy help

I've got a large collection of mp3's that I've copyed to a external hard drive from my internal hard drive. The mp3's are sorted by artist and cd name in folders. I just added a bunch of new mp3's and I need to copy them over to my external drive.
How can I copy just the new mp3's without having to copy the entire mp3 collection again? (the new mp3's are mixed up in different folders) Is there some kind of software that lets you do a incremental copy? I want to play the mp3's at work off the external drive so I don't want to use any kind of backup set.
that won't work because the new files are all over the place in different folders.
After I download the mp3's I put them in seperate folders first by letter (first letter of artist) then by artist then by album.
I know I can transfer the files before I put then in a folder but then I have to sort them twice which is a pain.
I know there is recursive backup that only backs up new or changed files but that use a backup set. (all files to one set) I'm trying to find a recursive copy. Is there such a thing?

Probably the only thing I can do is copy all the mp3's over again and just overwrite the existing but I have almost 10,000 mp3's which takes quite a while.
if you had turned off the archive bit on the previous ones after copying them to the external drive then you could simply use 'xcopy /m'. it would only copy the files with the archive bit set (the new ones). you might be able to list the files by date and then you could easier tell which ones are new.
Addition to netman's help

Use search option in the root of your mp3 folder and include subfolders, then sort it out by date or modification date in your search results window.