Figure this out.

A have a question for all you svcd people, i have made a lot of svcds most with no problem's. First i make a mpg1 file of my satelite movie with ati card say it is 2 gig ,next i put into tmpgenc 2.59 set it up for svcd ntsc set slowest high quality,when product is done great job , But the svcd file made is bigger then the mpeg1 never happen like this before almost 4 gig? i always thought after encoding to svcd it should be smaller ,any words of advice would be welcomed.

A 2 gig mpeg1 (as a VCD) is about 3hr 20min of movie, is that right? A VCD is at 1150 bps datarate and a SVCD if you just use TMPGEncs default is 2520 bps so that might explain why its a bigger file. The more data used, the bigger the file.

But why are you converting MPG1 to SVCD? There will be no gain in quality (infact it will drop slightly) and the SVCD will almoast always be bigger than the mpeg1 so you need more CDR's.
i convert mpeg 1 to svcd to play on my my home dvd player i capture with ati at 6.0 mb sec and the quality is a lot better then vcd ,also the other reason i can make a good avi but always when i convert it to svcd it gets blocky.